Mom wrote their story in 2014 in order to share their history with family and family to come.
I’m excited to now share their story with YOU!
In The Ziemke Story you will learn of their Christian Heritage, their early years, ministry, trying times, family, where they’ve been, and how they ended up where they are today!

2012 – 50th Wedding Anniversary
In June 2012, we celebrated 50 years of ministry and marriage. On June 17, we took the Alaska inside passage cruise, and, on the 24th, just after arriving home, our children gave us a nice 50th Anniversary party at Brenda and Brett’s house. It was a great occasion. Our kids did a fabulous job of hosting it. We have a book, designed by Bridget, featuring pictures and highlights of the occasion and listing the guests present.

In the fall of 2012, with the blessing of our Pastor, Gordon Banks, we traveled in the motor home over 8500 miles visiting small churches and trying to be an encouragement to the Pastors. We saw a lot of Gene’s relatives in Wisconsin and my relatives at Aunt Martha’s funeral in Omaha. We met up with Lavonne and Joe for a couple of weeks of sight-seeing.
I was an older teenager when the Ziempkes came to Puyallup. I was priveliged to be one of the young people in our church to welcome them. I don’t remeber the serman but I was their when he was “Trying out ” to be our pastor. I later moved my self and my church home to Tacoma with his blessings. I see he has almost 60 years of marriage. If somebody near him reads this post please tell him Bro Art Brown said Congratulations and Gods Blessings on you!! Remember the Fish?? Steelhead out of the Puyallup just a little way behind the church.
Arthur L. Brown Sr.
Delta Junction Alaska