
Balance is Paramount The Pendulum Swing to Extremes is Dangerous They that worship the LORD, must worship HIM in Spirit and in Truth. all Spirit = Fanaticism all Truth = Legalism BALANCE Political Consternation MUST BE BALANCED With Spiritual Sensitivity! Don’t throw the Baby out with the bathwater! Extremism in any avenue of life lends itself [...]

Let me preface this THOUGHT FOR TODAY by First expressing my Gratitude for the Blessing of Life and The Faithfulness of GOD. Not withstanding, Life is Embraced and Conditioned by Reality! The Journey of Life has its ups and downs, its twists and turns, and its triumphs and tragedies. We struggle with Rejection, Health Issues, Financial Dilemma, and Loss of a Loved one. There are Times [...]

The Bible says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” (NKJV, Ecclesiastes 3:1) And so it is, there are “Seasons” and “Times” that serve as the outline for The Incredible Journey Called Life. Consider with me, the types and shadows of the times and seasons of life, as we explore [...]