Mom wrote their story in 2014 in order to share their history with family and family to come.
I’m excited to now share their story with YOU!
In The Ziemke Story you will learn of their Christian Heritage, their early years, ministry, trying times, family, where they’ve been, and how they ended up where they are today!

Note to our Grandchildren:
These Are Your Roots
This has been the story of our lives and those who have gone before. We are thankful for our children and their spouses (your parents) who also love the Lord.
The prayers of parents and grandparents are not forgotten. They go on and on, on your behalf, before the throne of God. You can make a decision to turn away from God but He will always be there awaiting your return. You are marked for God. God’s blessing flows through your blood line.
When you love someone, you want to spend time with them. Spend time with God. Find Him in small moments. Speak with Him as you go about your day. Enjoy His presence. Listen to His voice. Establish a regular time for prayer and reading the Bible. Don’t take it as a religious burden. Just know God is happy for every second of time with you. He is not a God of rules and regulations. He is love. Have a heart after God – ask God for that. He wants to bless you.
We love you. We give you honor as our grandchildren and as children loved by God. We pass along to you the heritage we have been given. We release you into the care of the Most High God and His angels. Let Him watch over you and sustain you. We release you to serve God every day of your lives. Whether you are a beautician, teacher, scientist, professional sportsman etc., whatever vocation you choose in life, use it to the glory of God.
Remember your roots. Judges 2:10 tells us the tragedy of Israel forgetting its roots: “After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.”
We want your generation to know the LORD and what He has done for our family and for America. Our country was founded on Christian principles. Today in America, many are trying to erase any trace of God from our lives but, as it has been said, a nation that forgets God is a nation gone under.
After taking prayer and Bibles out of schools, some are now trying to remove the 10 commandments from any public venue. They want to remove “in God we Trust” from our money and “One Nation Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.
It’s up to us to pass along our heritage to you, and it’s up to you to pass it along to your children and grandchildren in future generations.
When we get to heaven and Moses asks: “How did you get all of your grandchildren here?” We’ll be glad to say, not only did they have good parents, but God spoke to us to let them know about their heritage and He did the rest. PTL!
Prayer of blessing: May God bless each of you, our family members. May He give you good hopes, dreams, and desires. May you find favor with God.
Each of us has a story.
What will yours be?
These may be the roots of your Chilren and Grandchildren, but you two have touched a lot of lives. As a young man 19 at the time you started out at the Puyallup ChurchI recieved wise counsel, I saw a pastors wife that showed pride in her work in the churc and humility to the members of the church. I was led by God a different direction but remembered my Pastor and his Wife at the UPC Church in Puyallup WA.
I nw live in Delta Junction Alaska, been a widower for almost 2 years after a 43 year marriage. I was shocked to see that beautiful long hair gone but you still are the Sister Ziempke I remember from years ago.
Thank God for the both of you!
Bro. Art Brown