Our Story
Gene and Lorraine
Published for our family – 2014
This is my story as I remember my life, or have been reminded through friends, family, notes, and pictures. I am writing it to share with our family, especially the grandchildren, who haven’t a clue about what has gone before because, well because they weren’t born yet, and because life is different now.
It’s a cliché, but none the less true—“Everyone has a Story”
“This Is Our Story”
Gene & Lorraine Ziemke
In the days and years of growing up in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, it was a time of ‘Story Book’ reading. That was before iPods, iPads, computers, smart phones, and whatever else is on the horizon. The stories began with: ‘Once upon a time’ and concluded with ‘The End’! The BIBLE begins with the words: “In the beginning GOD …“. Thus we have recorded in 66 Books, the history of creation and the story of the life and times journey of humanity. In picturesque detail, the Bible outlines the tragedies and triumphs of mankind, all culminating in the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and promised return of JESUS CHRIST.
In our beginning (once upon a time) is the story of two families, the Ziemkes and the Mincers. Lorraine takes us on a picturesque journey down memory lane to the present. It’s a story of her 72 years and my 74 years of life on the planet and 52 years of marriage and ministry. Hopefully there will be many more good years of life and health. We (she) is writing this book for our families. When the ‘conclusion’ of our story (our lives) becomes a reality, our future is embraced by the promises of GOD! And we say: “Amen!”
The hope and purpose of “Our Story” is that it will leave a positive imprint of the good memories and eternal values we embrace and that it will impact the lives of our families, both now and in the future! To be sure, this account will elicit both smiles and tears as you walk with us on our journey of a thousand memories. We have endeavored to honestly describe our triumphs and tragedies. After all, that is the essence of everyone’s journey called ‘Life.’
May your lives be encouraged, enriched, challenged, and blessed as you read what we have experienced and tried to convey in word and pictures, for posterity’s sake! We only live this life once and, at its longest, is still sooooo brief. Commit to living it right and one day hear the LORD JESUS say: “WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT—-!”
We invite you to walk with us through the pages of “Our Story”—
Gene Ziemke